Work Team Visit (“Water they up to?”)

Ken     29 January 2014

Each year we have several work teams visit Rehoboth. Sometimes they are a widely diverse group, sometimes focused on construction, sometimes single families or couples, etc.

Australians must be water-loving people. The recent work team of six university students certainly spent a lot of time wet—usually with kids. Their enthusiasm was contagious. (The camera man had insurance--barely!) Whether it was taking the kids to the resort swimming pool, laying and watering grass, holding suddenly-soggy toddlers on their laps, or generating a water fight, there seemed to be no end to their love of water… surpassed only by their love for the Rehoboth kids and staff, and Jesus, the “living water.” These university students came to serve, show kindness and brotherly love, and listen to the call of God on their lives in whatever form that might take.

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 The crew brought much-needed donations of computer hardware, suitable for outfitting the clinic. They worked together laying sod around the new playground set. For a few days they assisted with street ministry in Manila for an outreach organization there. But their main goal was playing with kids who have lost their families, helping them to heal just a bit from the traumas they endured. Short of adoption into their “forever families,” what better way is there for our kids to regain childhood than to experience real FUN with people who love them? 


Whether it was teaching kids how to lick ice cream cones at a birthday party, teaching them how to swim, teaching them crafts, or teaching them new songs for devotion time, these young people became role models and family for our kids, whether they realized it or not. Our kids will treasure such times forever.IMG 9273

Only one of the six team members had never been to Rehoboth before. For one, it was his fifth time here. Thank you, Tim, Courtney, Emylee, David, Salomi and Tyler!

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If you have ever wondered about making a trip abroad, we invite you to consider coming as a work group to this little orphanage in the Philippines. Visit our volunteer page to get the ball rolling. There are a lot of things to do and little hands to hold.

If you love water, we hope to begin a water supply project soon and we could use your help! Get in touch here.

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