Latest News from Rehoboth

Elisa     19 April 2020

Latest News from Rehoboth. 

The world has changed since  we last updated. We'd like you to know what's happening in our little corner of it.

Since COVID-19 has swept the world, our place hasn't been without it's regulation and safety measures.
So how do you manage a childrens' home in a pandemic? With prayer, plans and providence.

Firstly, we want you to know that none of the kids of Rehoboth have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Our wonderful administration staff were quick to act and the local government closed access to Sampaloc, our town, before any cases were found. Movement is restricted and to go out, special permission papers need to be shown.

So, how do we manage? 

Rehoboth has the most phenomenal caregivers on the planet. We have a group of caregivers who have volunteered to stay at Rehoboth during the lockdown - live onsite and care for the children. The thought of their generous act bring tears to my eyes as I write to you.
When asked what it was like? again I was floored by their response... It gives us an opportunity to get to know the kids more and have good interactions with them.

Beds have been set up in the small rooms at Rehoboth for the staff to stay in. The children are well protected from incoming and outgoing contact.

What do you do with 38 kids in lockdown ! We play and dance and sing and craft and have as much fun as possible. Swimming in a tub, puppet shows, beading, sewing, tug of war, jump on the trampoline and play with toys. Even organised games and read aloud stories !

In this time of lockdown it means that Rehoboth can not receive visitors. Our visitors often bring in kind and monetary donations which form part of our financial base for operation.

If you have considered sponsoring a child or giving a one time donation - Rehoboth could really use your financial support at this time..

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers for Rehoboth.

As we wait for the COVID-19 crisis to lessen, Little D is waiting to go to be with his forever family.
Here he's perusing his family book to get to know his forever family. 

Please continue to pray for good health for the children and caregivers.


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